Pertukaran Kepala Sekolah pada Program Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah
Pada penghujung tahun 2015 ini, SMK N 2 Purwokerto dilibatkan dalam
program Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah yang di fasilitasi oleh Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nasional.
Pada program ini kepala SMK N 2 Purwokerto akan bertindak sebagai
kepala sekolah I pada SMK Bimbingan program Peningkatan Mutu yaitu SMK N
1 Taniwel Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat.
Untuk Kegiatan awal yaitu pertukaran kepala sekolah anatara Bp.
Hery Pramono Wibowo, S.Tp selaku kepala SMK N 2 Purwokerto dan Bp.
Eliezer Elly selaku kepala SMK N 1 Taniwel selama 10 hari mulai tanggal
11 s/d 21 Desember 2015.
Program peningkatan mutu pendidikan ini rencananya akan berlangsung sampai dengan tahun 2018
Kegiatan awal kepala SMK N 1 Taniwel di SMK N 2 Purwokerto
ditandai dengan kegiatan pembukaan Class Meeting siswa - siswi SMK N 2
Purwokerto yang berlangsung mulai tanggal 14 s/d 17 Desember 2015
Technology and Kids: 7 Ways to Unplug
While interaction with online educational games and apps can be a
learning experience for our kids, the percentage of young children who
are trading in picture books for LED screens has crept up to astonishing
levels. A recent report by Common Sense Media found that over one-third
(38 percent) of 0- to 8-year-olds studied had used a smart phone, mp3
player, video iPod, iPad or a similar tablet—and 11 percent of children
used these technological trinkets on a daily basis.
Despite strong competition from gadgets, TV still reigns supreme,
with a whopping 44 percent of kids under age 8 having tubes in their
bedrooms. All of the children surveyed watch an average of 1 hour 40
minutes of television or DVDs per day, compared to 29 minutes reading or
being read to—despite doctor warnings against too much screen time.
“Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirmed their position
that children under age 2 should not engage in any screen time, yet the
data shows infants and toddlers are growing up surrounded by screens,”
says James Steyer, CEO and founder of Common Sense Media. “This use data
is an important first step toward understanding how the prevalence of
media and technology affects the development of our youngest kids.”
So how do we make sure our little ones will grow up to be
well-rounded adults, and not over-stimulated zombies? Here are some
things you can do to make sure your child gets the down time she needs
in today's wired world.
- Make crafts a part of every week. Crafts may seem like fluffy stuff, but cutting paper, crumpling tissue paper, and drawing all build the hand muscles kids will need for writing. While it may not be possible to squeeze a craft project into each an every day, commit to doing crafts at least 3 times a week with your child.
- Limit screen time. Setting family boundaries for TV, movies, computers, smart phones and tablets frees up precious time for family bonding. Detaching yourself from your iPhone may be difficult, but it will show your kids that mom and dad benefit from a tech break too—and are willing to practice what they preach.
- Grab a story and snuggle. Reading, either aloud to your child or along with her, opens her eyes to people, places, animals and ideas beyond the world of Spongebob Squarepants. Even if your preschooler isn't able to sound out words yet, hearing you read a variety of genres can broaden her vocabulary and foster a lifelong love of books.
- Take a time-out in nature. Unstructured play time is being threatened at school with the elimination of recess, which makes getting your kids off the couch and into the backyard more important than ever. Being outside allows children to relax, work out daily stresses and get in touch with their other senses—touch, smell and taste—that are slighted by TV and computers.
- Invest in open-ended toys. Television, DVDs and video games rob children of uninhibited pretend play by laying out a fast-paced adventure for them to follow. Rekindle their imagination with simple blocks, stuffed animals, colorful scarves, and unbranded dolls they can use to dream up their own world.
- Plan a tech-free family day. Schedule a day at the park, beach, aquarium or botanical gardens for the family, and leave the gadgets at home. Without the distractions of a smart phone, you will be able to give your children—and the experience—the undivided attention they deserve.
- Cook a meal with your tiny sous chef. Cooking skills may seem out-of-reach for your youngster, but participation in the kitchen is beneficial in a number of ways, even for toddlers. Stirring, measuring ingredients, and cracking eggs are safe ways to introduce the concepts of healthy eating habits, teamwork and basic math. Plus, picky eaters are much more likely to try dishes they've had a hand in creating!
It's impossible to shield your young child from technology on a
day-to-day basis, but it's important to make an effort to show her life
outside of life's small screens. Encouraging time away from the virtual
world helps to keep your child relaxed, curious and focused on the
things that really matter.
Celebrating Life
"Life is honestly like ...," said an employee of mine a few years ago. The sentence can not I write as a whole because it is a sentence that contains rough aspersion, containing anger and resentment.Joy and sorrowHe
also thinks that all the positive smell which he had read, he heard,
and he is doing is an action that inevitably must be made, because
actually someone afraid to see that it's real life, is far from
pleasant. "We wrap the hard life as a gift. Choosing wrap exciting, beautiful, and beautiful for a content that is painful. "Why suddenly in a morning I remembered the words of my employees? I was watching a movie on television shows. In one scene, a man expressing his opinion in order that people celebrate life, not just life.The verb celebrate used to show a positive activity, that brings a
sense of joy, happy, fun, whatever the cause of the excitement, whether
in the public or private nature.Example. Celebrating
a birthday, celebrating the rise in class, position, celebrate
weddings, celebrating liberation from prison, freed of corruption
charges, free from the deadly disease, a country celebrating
independence day, celebrating a win the tender, or the presidential
my knowledge, regardless of any dictionary or book, nobody says, if it
is celebrated with joy over the death of loved ones, even if a person
knows that death frees one from an affliction. That is why, in such situations, people say I grieve.I also never read any one of her rape celebrate, celebrate a
termination love, especially since the affair although perhaps after
some time has passed, they can be thankful freed from the unfaithful
spouse.I also never see people rejoice and celebrate the results of medical
examination results is end-stage breast cancer, or anyone celebrating
that she got more class, removed from employment, either because the
company is experiencing difficulties or because of his own mistakes.Laugh and crySo what does it mean to celebrate life? If you only see the word celebrate, and the use of that word, should
be celebrated is all incidents which only bring happiness, right?But what is the reality? Life doing it always has two faces. So what should we also celebrate the life that is also able to invite
the arrival of disappointment and pain both physical and mental?Had we celebrate the pain, I did suddenly conceivable as being a sexual relationship is classified as sadomasochism. A sexual relationship in which a person enjoys a pain, both physical and mental, others are doing to him.Once I think so, I began to be frightened himself. Is this the real me like he was doing sadomasochism? Well this wonghidup often painful. But whenever it comes painful, my friends always say positive advice."You
can learn from this pain, you can take a class with this pain, you can
have a new experience, that if you can go through, then you can give
strength to those who are experiencing it. Enjoyed it, I'll be finished. "So listen to the advice of glory, I feel no difference with those celebrating a pain as pleasure. If then it is classified as a sexual relationship that do not fit, then I am to be asked. Is it fair painful life, just because I can grade it? What more could a sentence that is wrapping class that makes it look a little pain "beautiful"?I
got to thinking, so correct me if I'm on the staff had honestly think
that life is painful and frankly as I did not want to hurt people. Therefore, I find a solution that reduces pain, and always strives to
provide the antidote in the form of sentences, thoughts, and positive
action.So what does it celebrate life, then? Does that mean my worth celebrating, which has the ability to wrap
gifts beautifully, through positive thinking to a heart-wrenching scene,
which was disappointing, which devastated?Or
celebrate life, it would be to celebrate the courage to face the
situation, and did not give the reason, without always trying to find an
antidote. So perhaps, celebrate the life was celebrated ability to laugh and cry with no frills at the back.
Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Akreditasi Kompetensi Keahlian TEI
Pada hari Kamis, 27 Agustus 2015, SMK Negeri 2 Purwokerto melaksanakan Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Akreditasi pada Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Elektronika Industri. Pada kesempatan tersebut sebagai pengisi materi adalah dari Pengawas SMK Kab. Banyumas ( Drs. H. Haris Nurtiono, M.Si ). Pada kesempatan tersebut dipaparkan 8 Standar Pendidikan, yaitu :
- Standar Isi
- Standar Proses
- Standar Kompetensi Lulusan
- Standar Tenaga Pendidik dan Kependidikan
- Standar Sarana dan Prasarana
- Standar Pembiayaan
- Standar Pengeloaan
- Standar Penilaian
Dan penekanan pada Life Skill dan Keunggulan Lokal.
Diklat Interaksi Online (DIO)
Purwokerto, 29 April 2015. SMK Negeri 2 Purwokerto mulai tahun 2015
melaksanakan Diklat Interaksi Online ( DIO ). Diklat ini terselenggara
atas kerja sama dengan PPPTK BMTI ( Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan
Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan ) Bidang Mesin dan Teknik Industri
Bandung. Pelaksanaan DIO di Indonesia dilaksanakan di 10 sekolah,
termasuk SMK Negeri 2 Purwokerto.
Latar Belakang ( Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan / PKB online yaitu :
- Akses yang lebih luas
- Berpotensi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran
- Penyampaian yang fleksibel
- Alternatif model pembelajaran
- Penggunaan yang meluas ke ruang kelas
- Tidak mengganggu aktifitas guru
- Pemanfaatan teknologi
Penilaian Adiwiyata tingkat Propinsi di SMK Negeri 2 Purwokerto
Purwokerto, 22 April 2015. SMK Negeri 2 Purwokerto pada hari Rabu, 22
April 2015 kedatangan Tim Penilai Adiwiyata tingkat Propinsi Jawa
Tengah. Tim Penilai tersebut dari Badan Lingkungan Hidup Propinsi Jawa
Tengah. Tim Penilaian terdiri dari 5 orang yang terbagi dalam 2
kelompok. Model penilaian langsung pada seluruh area sekolah
dikunjungi. Yang dikunjungi antara lain : tempat pembuatan pupuk
kompos, area Go Green, kamar kecil, area hasil kreativitas siswa. Pada
saat kunjungan di area hasil kreativitas siswa, penilai "Bapak
Hendrajaya" menanyakan tentang bagaimana cara membuat jamu jahe
tradisional, dan salah satu siswa memaparkan dengan jelas kepada Tim
Penilai. Sehingga Tim Penilai merasa bangga kepada siswa - siswa SMK
Negeri 2 Purwokerto yang menjadi siswa luar biasa. Dan bangga lagi
setelah melihat siswa "Aji Saputra " kelas X TAV, yang berinovasi limbah
PCB, dimana limbah cairan yang dipakai untuk melarutkan PCB,
dinetralkan kembali hingga menjadi air yang bersih lagi. Dan pada akhir
acara "Aji Saputra" membacakan puisi berjudul " Botol Bekas".
SMKN 2 Purwokerto laksanakan UNCBT
Purwokerto, 17 April 2015. SMK Negeri 2 Purwokerto dalam Ujian tahun
ini, melaksanakan ujian model CBT ( Computer Based Test ). Ujian tahun
ini menggunakan 2 Sistem, yaitu : 1. Jalur PBT ( Paper Based Test ) dan
2. Jalur CBT. Untuk Ujian jalur CBT di Kabupaten Banyumas, baru diikuti
oleh 3 sekolah. Yang berani dan mampu mengikuti Ujian menggunakan jalur
ini, antara lain : 1. SMK Negeri 2 Purwokerto, 2. SMK Negeri 1
Purwokerto dan 3. SMA Negeri Ajibarang. Untuk Peserta Ujian dari SMK
Negeri 2 Purwokerto, sebanyak 377 siswa dan semuanya telah mengikuti
dengan disiplin dan jujur.
Karena pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional berlangsung dengan baik, lancar
dan jujur, maka untuk Kab. Banyumas oleh Menteri Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan Anies Bawesdan, Banyumas dimasukan dalam kategori level 1
dalam Penyelenggaraan Ujian kategori paling jujur. Keterangan lebih
lengkap, lihat/klik disini.
Bupati Banyumas Memonitor UN CBT di SMK Negeri 2 Purwokerto
Purwokerto, 13 April 2015. Bupati Banyumas ( Ir.Akhmad Husein ), hari
pertama pelaksanaan UNCBT ( Ujian Nasional Computer Based Test )
memonitor ke SMK Negeri 2 Purwokerto. Semua ruang UNCBT di SMK Negeri 2
Purwokerto berjumlah 6 ruang. Sambil berjalan menuju ke semua ruang,
Kepala Sekolah ( Ir. H. Sartono, M.Pd ) menjelaskan bahwa jumlah peserta
siswa yang ada di SMK Negeri 2 Purwokerto sebanyak 377 siswa, terdiri
dari 7 Kompetensi keahlain. Siswa laki-laki 362 dan 15 siswi perempuan,
terang Ir.H.Sartono, M.Pd.
Dalam kunjungannya Bapak Bupati merasa bangga pada SMK Negeri 2
Purwokerto, karena tempatnya bersih, dan tidak ada sampah yang
berserakan. Dan sangat salut bahwa Area masuk Kawasan sekolah, sekolah
menerapkan kawasan Kampus Bebas Polusi. Beliau mengatakan ini hal sangat
baik dan minta untuk dipertahankan.
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